If you pay close attention, watch the little tiny green bar under soldier health. But most imporantly the tiredness 🙂 It has ZERO bearing on your psi stat and if psi abilities success rate/dmg.

In wotc, it affects if you’re tired or not, and can impact how you deal with panic states and percentages to RESIST psi attacks. But if the soldiers are higher than 7.5, even if you send them thru the ring, they’ll still have the higher amount. By way of this mechanic, you can pick/choose two soldiers of very low bond, send em’ thru the resistance ring bond training, and they’ll hit lvl 1 as well as be of very high rating at 7.5. Meeting the 1st lvl bond on soldiers will jump them to a “very high” rating (7.5) if they are not already above it.On that note, as soon as GTS is finished, start shoving grenadiers through immediately. You will likely cycle through 4-5 most of the time, but the 6th is backup for times of spike missions such as getting an extra op, avenger defense, retaliation, council mission all close together.

Late game, they do amazing dmg with chain shot, rupture, hail of bullets, freeze nades, etc. They are the most important class early game to blow away cover and do guaranteed damage. Exclusions here are things which help scouting (such as phantom, extra conceal, etc) and sometimes specialist healing abilities. As such, aim for all “offensive” type abilities on your soldiers.
Many legendary runs fail because you did not get squad size upgrade by mission 6 at the latest (the advent raid mission). Not worth the risk of RNG where you have a few days left then “OH! Surprise! Avenger defense!” Now you can’t do a facility… Nutshell answer: just stay on top of the project and don’t try to squeak out an extra day or two here.After 7 days, when you terminate the project, whenever it starts again it will ALWAYS be at 7 days. This continues on until you break through 7 days.Counter starts again due to reasons (facility, dark event, etc).You do something to terminate it at 18 days left.Avatar counter starts, you have 28 days.On subsequent “near victories”, it continues down from the last count NOT TO GO BELOW 7 days. On legend, you start out with 28 days until completion.

For example, if you’re nearing a full meter and you don’t have a golden path mission available, you better be doing a sabotage covert op… Always, always, always have a way to reduce the avatar counter before the timer starts.This is the reason early game is so tough. More options = greater chances of winning battles.Can also use em’ for easier difficulties and just decimate those modes too…: Just a bunch of tips for your legendary ironman playthrough. It’s stuff I’m aware of and think about as I go thru the campaign, and they are things that can help you too! 🙂
So… wanted to use this as a collection pool of various thoughts and tips on how to deal with legendary. If you can get to there with minimal wounds/deaths, you’ll probably do alright throughout the rest of your campaign, barring some bogus RNG just failing to stay on top of the avatar counter and research. Having done hundreds of campaigns, I can safely say the “tipping point” at which one can have a great game going is right around the second faction mission. Plus, its well known the most difficult part of L/I is the early game. But I thought it’d be nice to just have something located here on steam right next to the game… Yeah you can browse for them, find bits and pieces here and there on reddit, find some videos, etc. I started it because I felt like there wasn’t really an adequate, one-stop-shop place to dig up legendary tips. This guide is on many tips surrounding Legendary Ironman (also known as “L/I”) for War of the Chosen (WOTC).